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A song by badgerboy

Link to song: Here

(the idea is to listen to the song while you view the images)

The five stages of grief are: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance. In my life, it has felt a lot more intricate, and a lot more like a cycle. As that cycle repeats, the sadness numbs, and the empowerment increases. 

As I listened to this song, it was stunning to me how clear the emphasis is on coming to terms with sad circumstances. Even then, I think there is a bit more depth to it, though. In fact, I found my own personal stages of grief highlighted in this song, in the most tragically beautiful ways. 

Ambience and chords build upon themselves, dissolve, and ebb into melodies. In that, I find a beauty in tumbling through heartbreak. 

I know what each picture represents to me, and the particular mood that matches it with its audio counterpart. You can figure out what it means to you, or just feel the visuals complimenting the electric symphony. 

You may notice that each picture has a similar one to match it. There is a reason that the latter matches may seem a bit more hopeful, clearer, and provide more context. Again, to me, grief is a cycle that becomes less and less poignant as time moves on. It never fully goes away, though, does it? At least, in my experience it doesn’t. 

Participatory Culture

One of the beauties in art for me, is its ability to be interpreted by its viewers. The creator of the art, of course, had their own intentions when creating it. But when the art is published, or put on display, its impact transcends their original intentions. We, as the viewers, can author our own experience as we participate in this piece of  art.

I believe that everyone has experienced, or at least, been able to relate to the concept of grief, in one way or another. This mosaic is both the visuals I see when I listen to the song, and my experience with grief. Although this mosaic is a deep dive into what I have interpreted in difficult times, it is also an opportunity for you, as the viewer, to find your own interpretation and, hopefully, take a deep dive into your own experiences. 

Does that make ghostbaby any less of an author of this song? Of course not. If you experience the art and come up with your own interpretation, does that mean that I am any less of an author of the visuals to accompany their song? Of course not. In fact, I love the idea that “People use their individual skills, beliefs and experiences to construct their own meanings from media messages” (NAMLE, 2007, p. 3). You are not only invited, but encouraged to create your own meaning as you experience this art. In a way, you are invited to become your own author of this experience. 

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